Liqui Moly, MOS2 Shooter. 20cc tube

Motor oil additive. Compatible with motor oil in 4-stroke with dry and wet clutches, all transmission, drive shaft / differential oils. For 2-stroke engines mixed with 2-stroke oil. Reduces friction and wear, thus reducing oil and fuel consumption. Increases engine smoothness and reduces malfunctions. - shake well before use - 20 ml (1 tube) is sufficient for 1 liter of motor oil - 2-stroke engines: 10 ml per 10 liter of fuel mixture or 20 ml for 1 liter of 2-stroke oil - tested on engines with catalytic converters - increases smooth operation - tested for the use with catalytic converters - miscible with all commercially available motor oils - miscible with all commercially available gear /transmission oils - reduces oil and fuel consumption - reduces wear - prevents operational malfunctions - minimizes friction

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